different diameter flange suppliers

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  • Categoria di posta:News
  • Post ultimatu mudificatu:June 5, 2021

different diameter flange suppliers-Broad Ocean Hardware

Different diameter flange wholesale manufacturers, suppliers, different diameter flanges to connect pipes and pipes to each other, connected to the pipe end. Different diameter flange wholesale manufacturers, suppliers, flanges are also called flanges or flanges. The parts that connect the pipe and the pipe to each other are connected to the pipe end. There are holes on the flanges, and bolts make the two flanges tightly connected. The flanges are sealed with gaskets. Flange is a disc-shaped part, which is the most common in pipeline engineering. Flanges are used in pairs. In pipeline engineering, flanges are mainly used for pipeline connection. At the ends of the two pipes that need to be connected, a piece of flange is installed. For low-pressure pipes, wire flanges can be used, and welded flanges for pressures above 4 kg. A gasket is added between the two flanges and then tightened with bolts. Flanges with different pressures have different thicknesses and use different bolts.