Galasi khomo logwirana ena tiganizira ntchito tsiku lililonse

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  • Post category:Nkhani
  • Post last modified:April 12, 2019

The glass door is popular with consumers because of its beautiful appearance. The general lock is difficult to install on the glass door. When selecting the galasi chitseko, it is easy to install and beautiful. Therefore, the galasi chitseko is usually made of high-strength structural steel or zinc alloy die-casting or stainless steel, which overcomes the defects of easy rust, aging and insufficient steel of iron and zinc alloy. The surface treatment is mostly brushed or mirrored, which is beautiful and elegant. With a sense of fashion.

Glass door lock some considerations in daily use-Broad Ocean Hardware

Zinthu zina zofunika kuzisamalira posamalira galasi chitsekos:

1. Don’t use lubricants casually. Some friends tend to drop some oil into the lock eyes when the galasi chitseko is bun or tight. This may make the galasi chitseko slippery quickly, but because of the oil. It is easy to stick to ash, and it will easily accumulate dust in the keyhole afterwards, and the formation of oil putty will make the sliding galasi chitseko more prone to failure. The correct solution: cut some pencil pieces or some candle pieces, blow them into the sliding galasi chitseko cylinder through the thin tube, and then insert the key repeatedly for several times.

2. Do not twist the Galasi chitseko key to open the door. Sometimes due to the gravity of the door leaf or the hinge of the door, the door leaf sinks, and the galasi chitseko locks the door or opens the door unsmoothly. At this time, it is often difficult to open the galasi chitseko door with a key and lock the door. Don’t force the key to be twisted, so as not to break the key and increase the trouble.